



Timers or time relay - analog or digital device designed to automatically turn on/off of external actuators. Timer shows the necessary information on its display (time, switching period, etc.) and generates commands to an external devices

Перечень продукции
Наименование Type Language Размер Дата
Timers - Product overview
Catalog Russian 11.25 MB 23.02.2019
Counters, timers, temperature controllers - Product overview
Catalog Russian 11.81 MB 23.02.2019
Multifunction analog timers (Series ATN, AT_N, ATE)
Catalog English 419.04 KB 23.02.2019
Timers with LCD display (Series LE3S, LE4S)
Catalog English 335.17 KB 23.02.2019
Weekly and annual timers (series LE7M-2, LE365)
Catalog English 643.73 KB 23.02.2019
Compact timer with LCD display (Series LE8N)
Catalog English 231.11 KB 23.02.2019

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